Saturday, January 31, 2015

Baby theater

This was a very eventful day. After Bloco, lunch and a nap, it was time for some theater. The is called "the baby and the sea" and in a room full of soft toys this actress pretends to be a baby being born, then doing baby things and finally going to the beach. Lots of interaction with the little ones in the audience and in the end a big fun "all you can touch" party on stage.

We went with Sandra and Malu and the girls seemed to enjoy it! 

Waiting for the theater to open the doors

Notice the metaphorical umbilical cord

The audience

Fun exploring the stage

While most of the kids played with the toys and props used in the play...

...Clara and Malu decided to explore the seats and stairs. Don't be fooled by these angel faves and sit down pictures. There was a lot of running around and going up and down the stairs to the chairs.

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