Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Clara sending kisses to papai

I am in Macae this week ... so this afternoon I had the pleasure of finding the following in my What's App ...

Nap-Time with Vovo

On Sunday afternoon after a big Arabian meal of rice and lentils and kibbi, Clara was tired.  So while mamae and papai went for a little walk with Matthias and Vicky,  Clara napped with Vovo.


Here my cousin Matthias is climbing Pao de Acuca ... he didn't get very far ;-)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Joana beats her 5k time

On Sunday Joana ran another 5k and beat her previous time by a solid minute.  She will definitely be ready for the 10k in November.  Me on the other hand, not so much.  I am getting softer every day and I really miss a good aerobic exercise ... I can't wait until my RPG physical therapist says I can get back on that running horse.

I miss my little princess!

I am in Macae this week doing a workshop on cost management - exciting stuff - and I miss my little princess ... I miss both of my little princesses!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Clara at the horse track!

She's not yet allowed to gamble ... but she sincerely enjoyed the horses at rhe track after the theatre on Saturday night (the race track is right next to the kids theatre place).

Super Cool

If you look up the word combination "super cool" in the dictionary,  you are certain to find Clara's name mentioned ... or at least you should :-)

At the Theatre

On Saturday afternoon we spontaneously decided to take Clara (and Matthias & Vicky) to the children's theatre ... after the performance,  the kids were allowed to play with the props ... I think some parents enjoyed this part of the play more than the kids :-)

Friday, September 26, 2014

My Cousin's Bike Tour

So, Matthias is still with us ... His box is still stuck in customs ... But he is having a good old time in Rio de Janeiro with, Vicky, Icky, and little Clarinha.  To read about their adventures, visit http://www.bikeworldtour.org 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eating all by herself

Sleeping Beauty Clarinha

I couldn't help snap this stalker picture today from the baby cam ...
Isn't she the cutest little peaceful thing you ever laid your eyes on?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Clara eating cherry tomatoes

... and looking cute as ever ...
Yes, I should have made a video instead of taking this series of pictures ... so what!

What a weekend!

We had an incredible weekend ... here is the proof: