Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Old Videos = New Blog Post

I was cleaning up my phone - downloading all the pictures and videos in an effort to get it to run a bit more efficiently - here is what I found:
This if from the Christmas time of year ... 2013!!!

The next one is from Oma Elke & Opa Frank's visit (also in December of 2013!!!)

Next is Clara in a pool of balls ...

Now we're getting into some more recent stuff - Clara's birthday - one month ago!!!

Clara simply loves her Tia Paula!

And finally a updated scene from last week at the park ...
... she also climbed on the monkey bars:

1 comment:

  1. Omg what a goof! I love her silly faces on the seesaw. Her and Elliott can seesaw together in Pinta Cana!!!
    Love Tante!
