Sunday, March 2, 2014

Vovo's Birthday Party

Today was Vovo Luis's birthday - and given that it's Carnival in Rio, what better than to throw a Carnival themed birthday party!  Thanks Vovo Vera :-)
 Clara and best friend Malu ... 
 It was a great turn-out and everyone was dressed up for Carnival - unfortunately Clara "wasn't with it" - she did not like all the people and craziness ... (i.e. she appears to be just as anti-social as her Papai)
 One picture just the two of us ... another pictures for the entire clan ;-)

 At the end once everyone was gone and we were cleaning up, Clara finally came around and did actually play with the confetti ... but she was still not smiling ... 

 After the party we hung out at Vovo Vera's place for a little while longer ... 
 ... before going home to enjoy a nice hot bath.

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