Monday, February 25, 2013

Professional Pictures

In the name of documentation and sharing this special day with the world, we decided to utilize the hospital's photography services - as things turn out, these pictures are worth a million words ... 
... although a bit out of order :-)
Robert inspects the final product: a super healthy and beautiful Clarinha Bonitinha!

Clara Beatriz Guratzsch weighs in at 3,170g - not so chubby after all!

Along with Clara, a new dad is born - what a champion!

May we introduce to the world: Family Guratzsch (South American Branch).

Robert doing his job: hiding behind the curtain, holding Joana's hand, and taking pictures.

Confirming the name tags - we don't want to take the wrong baby home.

This is the before picture ...

This is the after picture ...

Once more, we want to introduce: Family Guratzsch!


  1. To com lágrimas nos olhos vendo essas fotos. Que familia linda! Mil beijos!

