Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Afternoon with Mom and Dad

Just a walk around the block with the cutest little girl ever!

Having a juice and some of papai's granola at Natural


Clara finds a new friend

Then some Wall-e (for 10 minutes, then she was done)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Busy Weekend

And our Party girl continues with her socisl schedule full! We just take her along :)

Saturday, cousin Guilherme celebrated his 3rd birthday Toy Story style

Sunday was time to party with her friend Alex. He turned one and Clara had a blast.

This last shot was right before we left. Clara was ready to go and light wasn't great but it's the only shot with the birthday boy and his momma, Naomi.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Party girl

Last sunday, one of Clara's play date friends turned one and we partied all morning! Uhuuu!!

The cutest kid there!! 

Au au

Clara loooves dogs, even the ones on the wall!

Germany Wins!!

We had some people over to watch the World Cup Final and to everyone's relief Germany beat Argentina! Brazilians are very anti-argentina so even after Germany kicked our brazilian butts we were all cheering for the Fatherland.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

At the park

Today before the big game we headed to Vó and Vô's neighborhood for lunch with the family. Before lunch it was time for fun with Dad.