Friday, February 28, 2014

Check out this little Wonder Woman

Today is Carnival at Creche ... so Clara was dressed up as Wonder Woman!
(Papai did the morning routine all by himself)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kisses for Oma and Opa

This is how our skype session went!



Clara's 1st birthday was like an Indian Wedding, a 4 day celebration deal.

It started on Friday, at vovó and vovô's. 

Bisa and a bunch of Aunts were there to sing happy birthday.

Make a wish! 

Then vovô "watched" Clara while she took a nap :)

On saturday we had the picnic and we're still waiting for Dani's pics.

On Sunday we had a couple of neighbours over for more partying. Sandra and Malu also came.


Last saturday after her party we went to the beach to continue the birthday celebration. It was a spectacular sunset!

Clara did not like to put her feet on the sand! 


Monday, February 24, 2014

7th Anniversary

I forgot, but he didn't. Robert surprised me with red roses to celebrate our 7th anniversary. I have the best hubby ever!

Clara is 1 year old!

Yes, it's been one year - it passed quicker than counting from one to ten!  It's been a fun and adventurous time ...

As always Dani was there to document the whole birthday party ... pictures should follow shortly!

In addition, we followed the German Tradition of making Clara choose her destiny in life: Alcoholism, Intellectualism, Family Provider, or Business Savvy.  Which do you think she chose?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Clara turns 11-months old ...

... so we celebrate with a super awesome Dani Picture Shoot.  Here are the results:

 Julia was visiting during the shoot ... 
 ... at some point Clara had to do CPR to Mommy ... (not sure why) ...
 Here she is eating an APPLE.

Calling Vovo & Vovo (yes, my keyboard does not have the Portuguese letters needed to write that correctly) via Skype.

 And then Papai came home ...

 You guys have no idea how much she likes books, magazines, and anything similar ...
 ... we just hope it stays that way :-)

 Wouldn't she make an excellent librarian ?

 ... and if that librarian thing ... 
 ... doesn't pay the bills, ...
 ... she can always dress up as an ...
 ... Elton John impersonator!