Monday, December 30, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tia Paula is awesome

Again, something wrong with the network and this should have been posted a couple of days ago...

We spent the day with tia Paula. In the morning she baby sat so mommy could work and in the afternoon we went to check out her pool along with tio Pedro. A fun filled day :)

And this is how she was later in the day :)

Visiting tia Paula and tio Pedro

For some reason this post didn't go through last week. So, here it goes:

Last week We went tio and tia's place and found out that one of the amenities in their building is a cool playground! Clara had a blast!

And then, chillin' in their apartment

Thanks for the awesome time tios! :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Itaipava - Part 1

Last weekend we took a little trip to the mountains: Itaipava - just past Petropolis - to a beautiful little Fazenda Pousada
 Obviously the place was ready for Santa ... 

Let's see what she ends up picking on her 1-year birthday: she'll have had plenty of practice with the "shot glass" by then :-)

Clara is on the verge of walking, talking, graduating from law school, ...

 Clara as stylish as any Hollywood diva ...

 Tio Pedro and Tia Paula were super awesome ... taking care of little Clara ... to give Mama & Papa Guratzsch some much needed time to "chill the fluff out"!

 Clara loved the place ...

 She participated in almost all of the activities ...
 ... and so did Tia Paula :-)

Visit by Tia Renata & Onkel David

A little pre-Christmas party due to Tia Renata and Onkel David's visit from London - our blog's biggest fans :-)

 Two bald Germans and their beautiful Brazilian wives :-)

We ran out of socks and pacifiers, so we put a cork in her :-)