Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clara Likes Sneezes!

She finds them hilarious - and we love her reaction!

Random Day with Clara

 Doing Yoga with Mommy - Clara seems to like it :-)
 Happy Baby Pose keeps both Mommy and Clara in Bliss!

 Clara actually liked her envelope hat - she usually hates hats or caps or anything on her head ...

Fun times with Oma

Some pictures of Oma's visit so far

Yoga with mommy

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Great Sunday

With Oma Elke in Rio, everything is better ... the sun, the fun, the happiness ...
Here are just a few pictures from this weekend to prove my point :-)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Clara and Dani - 7 Month Picture Party

Today another set of awesome Dani pictures have arrived in our inbox!  These are the pictures that Dani took right after Clara turned 7 months.  She's really starting to show different facial expressions - making it easy to identify when she's happy and when she's ... well, wanting to cry :-)
 Get ready for a lot of tongue :-)