Monday, September 30, 2013

First butternut squash!

Other than banana, apple, pear and papaya, Clara today ate her first hardy food: mushed butternut squash. Apparently, like her Oma Elke, she likes it.

Little teeth

She finally let me document the arrival of the first two teeth! Don't ask me how many attempts until I got this one shot. 

7 month photo shoot

Dani was here again last friday to make sure we get the best pictures of our baby girl! Here is a little preview:

Look who's now standing all by herself!

What a great weekend!

 Clara had her first piece of bread ... she didn't think too highly of it ...
 A piece of cucumber was more to her liking ...

 All that eating made her tired ... so she took a nap.

 And then ... she met her first suitor (not really - he's her cousin)
 ... who didn't wait too long to put the moves on ...
 ... and simply started kissing away ...
 Clara obviously didn't know how to feel about that :-)
 We've been trying to put her on the potty - just to see what happens - she's starting to feel comfortable about the whole idea - but still no "positive" results :-)

 Get ready Clara!
Here we go ...
 ... not so sure she really liked that :-)

But what about swinging?
... that seems to be a bit more like her style!

Clara getting tickled!

Last week ... one night ... before dinner ... Clara got her weekly tickling :-)
Not sure if it was punishment ... or simply having fun!

Monday, September 23, 2013

We've got teeth!!

Two at the front bottom to be exact. It's hard to see, mainly because she makes it  difficult for us , but with the spoon we can hear them!