Monday, July 29, 2013

Thank you Pope

Thanks to the Pope's visit to Rio, today we still have a holiday! So we've decided to enjoy some rays of sun in Lagoa. It's a beautiful day in Rio. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dani Paiva - she's the best!

We got Dani's pictures back today ...
 ... Clara is our little supermodel ...

In these two pictures, she looks so much older ... quasi-refined :-)

 Don't be surprised if these pictures end up in this fall's pillow catalogs.

 Little Miss Mischievous!

 And finally, one proud Vovo!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fun times

Clara is extra fluffy tonight. First with her new favorite thing: spoon licking! Then with piggybacking with daddy. I want to squeeze her cheeks!! 


Clara is 5 months today so we headed to vovó Vera's for a litte cake. When we got there we reslized vovó and Clara were wearing matching outfits!
Happy 5 months mein schatz!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A little help

Clara is not quite seating on her own yet but she is almost there. Mommy and vovó Vera decided to give her a little help with this issue!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Clara's first time at the beach

Last friday Amanda's sister, Paloma and her kids were in town and wanted to meet Clara. Since they live in the beachless Brasilia, the encounter happened at the sands of Ipanema. Clara did not touch the sand or went in the water but she sure had a good time with the new experience!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Pizza ... Hmmmm!!!

 Clara ... like her mother ... loves the stylish sun glasses!

 VEZPA - the local pizza joint that sells pizza by the slice is the closest we can find to Pappa John's ... and really, it's nothing at all like Pappa John's.
 Clara's already eyeing the good stuff :-)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tummy Time

Clara is now to the point where she actually enjoys tummy time with mommy!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Praia Seca Weekend #2

The second time around in Praia Seca, Clara was a bit more relaxed - or maybe we were expecting the worst :-)
Clara loves the hammock!